Literary Opportunities

Below you can find links to writing, publishing, translation resources and opportunities.

Banipal Magazine of Modern Arab Literature (English translations)

Bjørnstonfestivalen in Molde, Norway

Centre International de Poésie Marseille (online poetry in French)

European Writers' Council

Eurozine (online publication of cultural articles and journals)

Exiled Writers Ink (online literature magazine in English; workshops and advice)

Federation of European Publishers

Frankfurt Bookfair

Gothenburg Bookfair

Granta (fiction and non-fiction magazine in English)

Index on Censorship Magazine (in English)

Jehat (online publication of poetry in 5 languages)

Kapittel International Festival of Literature and Freedom of Expression in Stavanger, Norway

Kikah Magazine (online magazine of modern Arab literature)

Kritya (online publication of poetry in Hindi and English) (Online literature collection in Russian)

Literaturkritik (online publication of literature reviews in German)

Lyrik Kabinett (German language poetry library and publications)

Lyrikline (online publication of poetry in 90 languages)

Medellin International Poetry Festival

National Centre for Writing (literature in English; writing and translation courses)

Poetry International Web (online publication of international poetry)

Sampsonia Way (online magazine in English)

Spit This Rock Poetry

The Norwegian Festival of Literature in Lillehammer, Norway

Words Without Borders (contemporary world literature in English)