Aaiún Nin

Poet, activist, mixed media artist
Informationsdienst Stadt Bern.

Aaiún Nin is a poet, activist, and mixed media artist from Angola whose works explores and confronts issues of gender, race, and sexuality, whether in the context of postcolonial Africa or through the experiences of migrants in Europe. In 2016, Nin moved to Denmark where they lived and published their first poetry collection in Danish På min huds sorthed (2021).

Following the decriminalisation of same-sex relations in Angola, the Danish Refugee Board refused to grant Nin asylum in Denmark, despite the ongoing risk of persecution of openly LGBTQI+ people. As a result, Aaiún moved to Kraków, Poland where they were in ICORN residence between 2021 and 2023, publishing their second poetry collection Broken Halves of a Milky Sun (2022). In 2023, Nin took up the ICORN residency in Bern, Switzerland, where they live and work now.